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Change the world

Between 1994 and 2019, the Nelson Mandela University Choir enjoyed national and international acclaim for its multi-cultural performances. Under the baton of former conductor Junita Lamprecht-Van Dijk, the Choir has performed as far afield as the USA, Macau, China, Norway, Italy, Spain and Austria. Have a look at our history timeline to see what we have done over the years.

In March 2020, Ulagh Williams took over the reins of the Choir. In the absence of traditional choral activity due to COVID-19, a new, smaller choir has been exploring innovative and digital ways to keep choral activity alive. 

Choir members have been involved in various cross-genre collaborations such as the soundtrack for the online digital children’s COVID-19 series, Virus Fighters (launched in 2021) and digital performances celebrating events including Africa Day (2020), Mandela Day (2020), Virtual Graduation ceremonies (2020 and 2021) and Freedom Day (2021) among other. 

In 2020, their digital rendition of Plea From Africa (John K. Bokwe) was featured on Fine Music Radio, and their motivational video, Lean On Me (B.Withers) attracted national media attention. 

In 2021, their digital performance of Faces to the Sun (J.Leyden, C.Johnston) by Mango Groove was covered in the media, including a video shoutout from the band’s lead singer Claire Johnston.